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Projector or TV Which Is Better to Eye Health?4 Ruidatong Technology Co., Ltd
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TVs emit direct blue light, which can strain and harm your eyes over time. On the other hand, projectors use indirect light that’s far gentler, even when it comes to blue light.

How Does Blue Light Damage Your Eyes?

Blue light is a wavelength of light found in natural sunlight and artificially from things that emit light such as lightbulbs, computer screens, and TVs. Although most of the wavelengths in blue light are safe for your eyes, high-energy blue-violet light in the 415-455nm band is more damaging to the eyes, especially the lens and retina. This range of blue light falls under UV intensity, which is widely known to be harmful to the human body if overexposed (one of the reasons we get sunburns). Sadly, wearing UV blocking sunglasses would not be ideal when trying to watch your favorite movie or show. 

What Can We Do to Cut Back on Blue Light Exposure?

An alternative to blue light-emitting TVs is using projectors. Why? Because you are not looking directly at the light source with projectors.  The light from the projector bounces off a screen or wall before reaching your eyes. This surface absorbs some of the harmful wavelengths, thereby reducing the amount of blue light that hits your eyes directly. 

Our projectors have some other advantages over TVs such as adjustable screen size, , built-in memory , software, TV programs.  It's not only can be TV, but also in fact a computer to process word/excel/powerpoint...etc.